CSO journals


Research undertaken by artists

The MATÉRIA-PRIMA journal publishes original articles in the area of Art Education with the aim of debating and spreading innovation and investigation in this area of knowledge.
The MATÉRIA-PRIMA journal follows the principles of academic quality, pluralism and cultural relevance.

Iberian expression
The MATÉRIA-PRIMA journal accepts, as working languages, Portuguese, Castilian, Galician, Catalan, and English, stimulating the cultural decentralization and the promotion of the encounter of cultures in the present context.

An international journal
The majority of the authors published by MATÉRIA-PRIMA journal is not a member of the Faculdade de Belas-Artes of University of Lisbon. They are not member either of its research centre (CIEBA): they are, generally, of varied international origin.
Also the Editing Committee, with his panel of Academic Peers, is widely international (Portugal, Spain, Brazil) and includes a majority of outer elements to the FBAUL and the CIEBA.
The objective is to obtain advanced levels of research in Art Education and to increase its discourse flow.

Open access
This is an open access journal which means that all content is freely available without charge to the user or his/her institution. Users are allowed to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of the articles in this journal without asking prior permission from the publisher or the author. This is in accordance with the BOAI definition of open access.

The MATÉRIA-PRIMA journal requires to the authors the cession of the author rights so that their articles are reproduced, published, communicated and publicly transmitted in any form or means, as well as its distribution in the number of units that is specified in their public communication, each of their modalities, including their availability by electronic, optical means, or any other technology, for cultural and scientific aims exclusively and without profit aimings.
The authors of articles have the responsibility for the reproduction authorizations of images.

Complete title Revista Matéria-Prima, Práticas Artísticas no Ensino Básico e Secundário
Abbreviated title Revista Matéria-Prima
Print ISSN 2182-9756
Online ISSN 2182-9829

Publishing institution Faculdade de Belas-Artes da Universidade de Lisboa & Centro de Investigação e Estudos em Belas-Artes (FBAUL/CIEBA).

Objectives of the journal To spread and to establish debate on the research and the innovation in the area of the Artistic Education.

Interess areas Art education (visual arts, design, multimedia, performance art, music)

Frequency: triannual since january 2016. Biannual between 2013 - 2016.


  • Portuguese
  • Spanish
  • English

History Revista Matéria-Prima is published since 2013, printed and on-line.

Indexing Sources

  • QUALIS 2019: A3. QUALIS 2015: B1 (artes/música)
  • ERIH PLUS, European Reference Index for the Humanities and the Social Sciences
  • Latindex (catálogo)
  • DOAJ / Directory of Open Access Journals
  • EBSCO host
  • Academic Onefile
  • CiteFactor, Directory Indexing of International Research Journals
  • GALE - Cengage Learning / Informe académico
  • MIAR (Matriz de información para la evaluación de revistas)
  • Open Academic Journals Index
  • SIS, Scientific Indexing Services
  • CNEN/Centro de Informações Nucleares, Portal do Conhecimento Nuclear LIVRE!
  • ROAD Directory of Open Access Scholarly Resources
    (http://road.issn.org/en )

Periodicos CSO / Revista MATÉRIA-PRIMA © 2023. PRINT ISSN 2182-9756 ONLINE ISSN 2182-9829 - Free Website Template by Derby Web Design